domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009

Interview with Dan Radcliffe from Arcana Design

What did you had for breakfast this morning?

I actually had leftover Chinese food, which is coincidentally also what I had for Thanksgiving haha.

What do you do as a hobbie besides creating art?

I love music and playing guitar, it is great for taking a break from things and just letting out some music.

Right now you are in San Francisco, do you have any plans for a near future?

Well I am working here and also going to grad school for 3D modeling so hopefully I can get the degree and then the dream job...

At what age did you get interested in Graphic Design and how did it evolve from then?

It wasn't until college that I started using the computer in my art, but after that I think I really found a style of my own through t-shirt design. It just allows for a lot of freedom in creativity, not to mention you get to see other people wearing your art.

What do you recommend to those young people who are interested in art design and don’t really know how or where to start?

Alot about being an artist is about being observant and practicing, as much as the creative part. I would say to really think about the artists they admire and their styles, and to use them to help fuel their ideas.

Which artists do you admire? why?

I love Dali, Monet, Da Vinci, most of the great masters. I just can't believe how creative and ingenuitive they all were, and how their art is completely timeless. As far as t-shirts though I really like Jimiyo's work. His stuff always gives me some good ideas and inspiration, not to mention it makes great clothing.

What do you do to get really inspire and finish a design that turns out to be a best seller?

After I finish a design, I like to not look at it for maybe a day. When I look at it again, it is easier to notice changes that need to be made to make it look as aesthetically pleasing as possible.

Do you prefer working as a freelancer or have a full time job as an art creator?

I do both, t-shirt design is more for fun and I do it freelance too, but I also work as a graphic designer for a magazine. I like the freelance better actually, but it doesn't always pay the bills...

What would be your dream job?

I would love to work as a 3d modeler in film or video games.

What are your work tools?

Pencil and Photoshop mainly

Which one is the most amazing design you personally loved?

I really love this shirt from RZST I have called "painting the roses red", it is just the coolest shirt design and people always comment on it. I also love the design by Jimiyo on called "Mother III", the shirt is just amazing.

In which websites can we see more of your work?

I have some designs up for sale at under my screenname spacemonkeydr. I sub to a lot of sites though, including Design By Humans, Threadless, and Teextile.

We thank Dan Radcliffe for his time and dedication to graphic design, we hope we can see more of his work out there.

Visit his portfolio at for more information.

If you want somebody in particular get interviewed in this site, please send me an email at shirtquest

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